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Your Clinic

Advance your education to become a certified provider and explore a new business avenue.

This is the ideal moment to embark on the journey of becoming an Simbadent provider. In Africa, there is a growing demand for improved oral health and cosmetic teeth enhancements. Incorporating the Simbadent system into your practice presents a unique opportunity to capitalize on these trends.



Practice Evolution


Digital transformation supports you in attaining the desired results for both your practice and your patients.

Cutting-edge Approaches 

Elevate the level of care and enhance the patient experience - with the use of transparent Simbaligners treatment.

Simbadent IOS Service 


Using state-of-the-art Technologies, we generate precise and digital scans for the seamless treatment of individual cases, aiding you in streamlining your workflow.

You need more information? 
Contact us.


Tel: +254 706343288

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